Monday, April 27, 2009
Humor Makes Parenting Easy
You immediately begin caring for your newborn (as you continue to do for your other children), and thus your children learn to trust that mom and dad are there to meet their needs. Without that trust in others, children cannot grow into mature, self-confident and independent adults.
Your Child Will Never Listen To You Unless You Follow This One Simple Tip
Must Have Advice To Change A Child's Rude Behavior
Mending The Fence Between A Mom And Her Teenage Daughter
10 Parenting Tips To Stop Bribing Your Child

In the long run “bribes” don’t work. Bribing children can have the opposite of the intended effect. Behavior can become more and more outrageous in the hopes of attaining better and better prizes. It goes to follow, if a small tussle in the grocery store is rewarded with a pack of gum, what will an out and out brawl get, a cell phone? Bribing creates a situation where the tail is wagging the dog. The child’s behavior begins to dictate the culture of the family. The family is happy when the child behaves well and in turmoil when the child misbehaves. The child gains power and the parents lose power.
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Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Simple Ways To Get Your Child To Sleep Through The Night

Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Tips For A Temper Tantrum-free Child!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Parenting Skills - Top Tips and Guides
Parenting Skills – Top Tips and Advice. Written by Walter Lobwein.
Monday, April 6, 2009
How To Get Your Child Excited For School

By: Gareth Williams
Why It Is So Important To Recognize Your Child's Hidden Talents

Top Tips On Becoming A Great Mother

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Investing In Your Grandchildren Is Not Expensive

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Easy Way To Potty Train Your Child

Children have the ability to learn new things all on their own. But many things they will have to learn from their parents. Because of this it is our responsibility to make sure that we teach them what is important and we do it properly. One of the most challenging things to teach a toddler is how to utilise “the potty”.
Bed Wetting Boys - Are You Concerned?

Monday, March 2, 2009
Good Parenting Can Change The World

Parenting IS A PriorityIf you are raising children then you need to make parenting the priority. Many parents think it is more important to be to be their children’s friend than it is to be their parent. Let me be very clear on this point. Your children will have friends. They NEED a parent. It is ok to be friends with your child but you must always know when the parent needs to be present.
Be a Role Model
Children learn by observing role models. You need to realize that YOU are their role model. You need to set good examples for your child. I always find it funny how some parent will lecture their kids on important issues like smoking and drugs while smoking right in front of their children. Sorry, the adages do as I say, not as I do just doesn’t cut it in parenting. Be the role model.
By: BR Wilson
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Children may experience depression, suicidal behaviors and phobias if they are kept in a violent household.Older children may blame themselves for the abuse a parent receives. Older children may even step into the abuse to direct the attention onto themselves and off of the battered parent. There is a great risk that children who witness abuse may grow up thinking that violence is the only means to resolve emotional and relationship conflicts. Boys who grow up in an abusive home are more likely to batter their future partners versus boys who grow up in a nonviolent home.
Children who have witnessed abuse to a parent are also more likely to drink alcohol and abuse drugs.Children who live in a domestically violent home will suffer some form of neglect, be it physical or emotional. It isn’t always just the mother who is abused, but the children may be abused as well. Many adults who were abused when they were children report that witnessing the abuse to their mother was harder for them to deal with then the abuse they personally received.
Help for Battered Women:If you are a victim of domestic violence, help is available. You can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE. They will direct you to places in your area where you can seek help. Please get yourself and your dear children to safety: YOU ARE LOVED.
By: Arthor Pens

The moms really manipulate the situation so their child can not play with the other child. While you as an adult may see something your child does not yet see, how will your child learn to see and recognize these things if you continue to make friend choices for him/her? If your child is 8 and you’re making these choices, at what age do you believe your child can make their own friend choices? As a teen there are a lot more things to consider and look for when choosing friends.
If your child has not developed this skill earlier, they’re bound to make some poor choices as a teen.I really once again want to stress I do understand the dangers out there. I just also know that if we don’t let out children make choices and realize the consequences of those choices, they never learn the skills.What about going out with friends? Can your child go out on a school night? It’s ok to say no up to a point. At what age do you let them learn that going out on a school night and not getting enough sleep will result in poor concentration and poor performance the following day?
I can remember getting a phone call from another mom when my daughter was about 6. My daughter had done something to upset her child. While I agree 100% that my daughter was wrong, I also believe that the other child would have done much better to have her mom coach her on how to problem solve instead of her mother calling me. The only time I got involved was when a boy tried to light my daughter’s hair on fire. This was a situation that required adult intervention.
If we don’t allow our children to work on relationship problems at age 6, how will they prepare for adulthood and all of their future relationships?As I’ve stated, I have two kids of my own. I know how much there is to worry about. I also know that I want both of my kids to develop the skills and confidence to become independent, self sufficient adults.
By: Audrey Okaneko
They each have different perceptions and they each have their own unique personality. Each of these will play into our decisions as parents.While it might not seem fair tonight that one child has to do the dishes while the other child does not, the word “fair” is very open to interpretation. The child doing the dishes might have just returned from a weekend get away that mom and dad helped finance. Or the child not doing the dishes might have cleaned the bathroom the day before.
Fair can not happen at equal times for all children. As a parent, if you don’t want your kids to compare themselves to each other, you also need to refrain from making comparisons between your children. One child might get better grades than the other. One child might be better at sports than the other. One child might have more artistic ability than that other. Each child is unique. Each will have those things they excel at and those things they need some assistance with. Offer praise to each child on that child’s personal accomplishments and achievements.
When discipline is necessary, don’t share this information with anyone but the child receiving the discipline. When you speak of discipline in front of other children, it can cause bad feelings amongst the siblings. Remember each of your children is absolutely unique. Remind them of this when they want to compare themselves to their siblings.
By: Audrey Okaneko
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Parenting is one of the toughest jobs and many parents need help in managing their family life. Parenting workshops offer parents the opportunity to learn new strategies and concepts about parenting that they can use in their everyday family life.
Monday, February 2, 2009
If we had to advertise for a parenting position, the job description would include all of the following:
Financial Controller
Taxi driver
If you review your life, you will discover that school, where you spent many valuable years, did not prepare you for your most valuable career in life - being a parent. However, your parents either by being a positive role model ora negative role model contributed the most to your parenting abilities (or disabilities). It would not be fair to say that school contributed nothing to my becoming the parent I am today. My food studies teacher was very strict about cleaning after ourselves and I had way too many teachers that taught me in great details how a teacher should never be, but I am not sure I needed 12 years for that.
Rules of being a good parent are not engraved in stone but have evolved over time with different cultural, social and emotional needs. Unfortunately, the place where we spend most of our learning years is not preparing us well. Due to this, many parents and their kids face difficulties with their health, relationships and finance.
If you ever think of your teen as one day becoming a parent, remember that you are the most valuable contributor to their future success as a parent.
Be the parent you want your kids to be!
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Saturday, January 31, 2009
By: Jonnie Blaylock
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
If you are still not sure if the tip is good, what you can do it give it a try and see the result.
Sometimes you can not tell if something will work unless you give it a try and there is nothing wrong with that.
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How To Modify Parenting Techniques
Our children grow up even before we realize it. It seems like just yesterday that they were crawling around trying to walk and suddenly they're in school, making friends, learning new things and becoming independent. It has been said that as soon as children are born, they are learning to let go. Accordingly, our strategies of parenting must change. Our parenting role must adapt the growth and change that our children go through, maturing and developing with them.
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Parenting teens is a tough aspect of parenting and represents for many parents the ultimate test. This is the time when the rubber hits the road as a parent, as all of the challenges that were merely child's play during infancy or during the toddler stage are not full blown battlegrounds. The ideologies of teenage life and parental wisdom seem destined to clash, making parenting teens a veritable nightmare for many parents.
Teen parenting differs from child parenting in many ways. Child parenting tends to focus on some of the more simplistic issues in life. Teaching kids to read, while not necessarily easy, is one example of a simpler issue in raising kids.
Once that child grows up into a teenager, however, his or her hormones take over and raising teens becomes a full-time job that calls back memories of earlier days of waking in the middle of the night and worrying constantly. While it is known that no parent stops worrying about his or her child, it is also known that the sense of worry for a parent is no greater than when parenting teens.
Learning about parenting skills is a great way to get in touch with some of the information needed for raising teens. Parenting teens can be tough enough without education or information, but learning about raising a teenager can help alleviate some of that difficulty.
As parents band together, they become more confident in the skills that they can exercise. When a parent is faced with complicated issues dealing with parenting teens, he or she can now face those issues with confidence and their newly learned skills.
Many teen raising magazines offer some great advice on parenting teens. This way of learning about raising teens is a great way to get connected with some expert advice and learn more about some of the fundamentals of raising teens.
Through the help of parenting magazines, many parents find that raising their teen becomes a whole lot easier and eliminates a lot of the natural stress. Others find comfortable networks of support within these magazines, enabling them to face each day with renewed confidence that prepares them for the challenges ahead.
Parenting teens can take a hefty price from the hearts and souls of many a parent. Spending the night pacing the floor waiting for headlights, or wondering what on earth the teen is up to are common events when it comes to raising teens. The energy it takes can seem unfathomable, but it simply must be gathered if raising teens is to take place with any degree of success.
Regardless of the method, the love of a parent for a teen is unquestionable. This love, however, is often not enough to deal with some of the hurdles that a teen can face in his or her life. Without a solid network of help and support, parenting teens becomes a complicated job that causes endless hours of stress and concern for even the hardiest of parent.
Many parents decide to "go it alone" and take on the responsibilities of raising a teen by themselves. Thankfully, many more parents charged with parenting teens learn that the hardest job in the world cannot be done without the help, education and assistance that can be found virtually anywhere.
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Frankly, some people's parenting skills truthfully need some corrections. I have witnessed so many scenes in public places that make me believe that some people should be tested before they are permitted to have children. There are lessons out there that teach basic parenting skills but not enough of people sign up in them. It is almost as if when you have a baby, they launch you home from the hospital devoid of the least clue as to what you are supposed to do with this child. Maybe a manual should be written and presented to parents when they depart the hospital. Any person can be a parent but not every person has the parenting skills essential to raise a child.
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